
It’s four months after the shittest break-up I’ve ever had and, true to my style and my libra rising, I’m terrified that I’ll never fall in love again. That the relationship that has just ended was the exception to the rule and that the feeling of butterflies in my stomach (I know, gross, just haven’t found a better metaphor) is a thing of the past. It doesn’t help that I’ve gone on dates in the last couple of months that were fine. Not great, not horrible. Fine. Yes: an ok date is the worst case scenario for someone who lives in absolute terms like me. Just give me a horror date for the sake of the story or give me that all-consuming-cannot-think-about-anything-else-but-you type of infatuation.   Anyway, I digress, but that’s my context: a disenchanted, heartbroken me in a different country. I’m 15,000 km away from a house I’d do anything to not get back to. A new hotel room similar to the many others I’ve been in, except this one has a beautiful view. I feel empty but in a good w...
Do you come together ever with her? And is she dark enough? Enough to see your light? And do you brush your teeth before you kiss? Do you miss my smell? And is she bold enough to take you on? Do you feel like you belong? And does she drive you wild? Or just mildly free? What about me? Well I know I make you cry and I know sometimes you wanna die but do you really feel alive without me? If so, be free. If not, leave her for me before one of us has accidental babies. Before we are in love...

I'm back

    Because why not?
"Como si se pudiese elegir en el amor, como si no fuera un rayo que te parte los huesos y te deja estaqueado en la mitad del patio . Vos no elegís la lluvia que te va a calar hasta los huesos cuando salís de un concierto" Cortázar, Rayuela
"i've got a broken heart, and you can't break a broken heart" - Dan Johnston
" Venez donc, nous avons tant de choses à nous dire, de ces choses qui ne se disent pas, ou qui se disent trop mal, avec la plume" "Vení entonces, tenemos tanto para decirnos , de esas cosas que no se dicen, o que se dicen mal por escrito."
Irme a dormir sin despertador Un muffin Una peli con amigos Un café a la mañana El olor a vainilla Resolver un problema de la casa Encontrar recuerditos de mi mamá Salir a caminar cantando Un piropo inteligente Un buen revolcón Leer al solcito Un mensaje de un amigo que hace mucho no veo Salir a merendar Ir al teatro Un mail de mi papá con una broma Tirarnos ebrios al piso




you only have to look at something long enough first it becomes vague then obscure and in the end totally unclear
when i said "I can see me in your eyes", you said "I can see you in my bed"